Bhaav-Kriya भाव-क्रिया(The secret to live happy life)First meaning of Bhaava-Kriya means living in the present. The second meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to do deeds wakefully. The third meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to remain constantly wakeful.Bhaav kriya is the simplest process that anyone can do, it means three things to follow. When you wake up in the morning and go to bed take a deep breath, say the below affirmation. Also remember this step in the whole day.To live in the present moment. Affirm - I will live in the present moment from just now.To do things wakefully, and Affirm - I will do each thing wakefully from just now.To remain constantly self-watchful.Affirm - I will watch my each and every thought and action from just now.Living In The PresentMost of our life is spent in involvement in our past deeds and in worries regarding the future. Ninety percent of our lives is covered by the awareness of the past and of worries about the future. Only ten percent of it is spent in the present. The past is no more real and the future has not yet materialized. The past is mere memory and the future a thing of imagination. The present alone is real. We spend very little time living in the present. Mostly we remain entangled in the memories of the past and in dreaming what is likely to happen in the future with the result that we lose our grip on the present. We cannot retain it. The fact, however, is that whatever happens in life happens in the present only. Do Things WakefullyWe do things half-heartedly or with half of the mind engaged elsewhere. Work done with only half of the mind in it is never done completely. In this way we lose a lot of our energy. Things done half-heartedly do not produce tangible results. We should physically as well as mentally engage ourselves in our deeds earnestly and sincerely. While doing deeds the mind and the body should cooperate with each other. Remain Constantly Self WatchThe third meaning of BHAAV-KRIYA is to remain constantly wakeful. The practitioner should remain fully conscious of the ideal he wants to achieve. Purity of heart is the precondition of meditation which aims at arousing the dormant energy in us. The practitioner should be constantly wakeful about these. Bhaav-Kriya भाव-क्रिया(The secret to live happy life)First meaning of Bhaava-Kriya means living in the present. The second meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to do deeds wakefully. The third meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to remain constantly wakeful.Bhaav kriya is the simplest process that anyone can do, it means three things to follow. When you wake up in the morning and go to bed take a deep breath, say the below affirmation. Also remember this step in the whole day.To live in the present moment. Affirm - I will live in the present moment from just now.To do things wakefully, and Affirm - I will do each thing wakefully from just now.To remain constantly self-watchful.Affirm - I will watch my each and every thought and action from just now.Living In The PresentMost of our life is spent in involvement in our past deeds and in worries regarding the future. Ninety percent of our ....
This particular method of Chinese medicine has been around for over 2,500 years, and is now globally recognized to treat many health problems, including alleviating stress and anxiety.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that each individual possesses specific acupressure points throughout their body. Our qi, or life force, flows through these meridians. Acupressure can help stimulate these areas if they aren’t functioning as well as they should be. Chinese medicine has identified twelve of these energy meridians which connect to major organs, as well as help keep the body in balance. The belief is that if one of your energy meridians isn’t working properly, your body isn’t going to work properly either.If we apply pressure to certain parts of the body, we can help reduce the unpleasant and unfortunate side effects of stress and anxiety. This process is commonly referred to as acupressure, and is similar to acupuncture but involves the use of fingertips instead of needles. If pressure is applied to the CV 17 area, immediate relief is felt.CV 17 is short for ‘conception vessel 17’, the center of the chest. If you ever feel overcome by stress and anxiety, the middle of your chest will be slightly painful when applying pressure to it. This area, CV 17, feeds into the heart-energy center of the body, and according to traditional Chinese medicine, the heart center carries the body’s emotions. So when a person becomes stressed, this area becomes sore and puts the rest of the body out of sync. It’s also been theorized that the central location of CV 17 in the upper torso also contributes to balancing the levels of yin and yang energy levels within the body. This can restore the balance to your physical and emotional senses. Those who practice acupressure, believe that any imbalances in our nervous system can be remedied by applying a light amount of pressure to the CV 17, which can even boost our immune system.You can locate the CV 17 area four finger-widths above the base of the breastbone- almost directly in the center of your chest. Chinese medicine also refers to this as the sea of tranquility. Place the tips of your fingers inside the small indention in this area. Using gentle pressure, slowly rub up and down the center of your breastbone until you find the right spot.Next, sit with your spine straight and upright, and place your palms together with your fingers pointed toward the ceiling. This is called the prayer pose.Once you are in position, use the back of your thumb knuckles to apply gentle pressure into the center of your CV 17 for 2-3 minutes.Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale with deep, regular breaths. Keep your head upright, but relax your neck and shoulders.Also, gently tapping this area with your fingers is a helpful tool to fall asleep at night.Manipulating the CV 17 pressure area not only helps to alleviate stress and anxiety, it is also useful for relaxing those who have depression, chronic fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorder, or hormonal imbalances, and can be extremely useful during the recovery phase after an injury or surgery.Try this beautiful technique and give your feedback. This particular method of Chinese medicine has been around for over 2,500 years, and is now globally recognized to treat many health problems, including alleviating stress and anxiety.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that each individual possesses specific acupressure points throughout their body. Our qi, or life force, flows through these meridians. Acupressure can help stimulate these areas if they aren’t functioning as well as they should be. Chinese medicine has identified twelve of these energy meridians which connect to major organs, as well as help keep the body in balance. The belief is that if one of your energy meridians isn’t working properly, your body isn’t going to work properly either.If we apply pressure to certain parts of the body, we can help reduce the unpleasant and unfortunate side effects of stress and anxiety. This process is commonly referred to as acupressure, and is similar to acupuncture but involves the use ....
The Pink Bubble Of Love Method(For Reiki and Non Reiki Healer)First, relax your mind and take three deep breaths. Focus on your breath for a few minutes.After you are in a deeply relaxed state think of a situation, emotion, or person that has hurt you in the past. (Draw the Distance and Emotional healing symbol if you are a reiki channel).Acknowledge what is coming and just let it sit in front of you for about 30 seconds and just let it be. Thank this presence for the growth it brought to your life no matter how painful it may be. Then, immediately visualize a large, radiant, pink bubble of love energy surrounding it. To be able to better connect with the healing power of love, think of the ocean of love. Allow this loving energy to wrap around the bubble of the unpleasant event from your past. Visualize the loving healing energy radiating right through the bubble and soaking the past situation in pure love. (Make emotional healing symbols on the unpleasant event here if you are a reiki channel). Then, send loving energy to it for 5 minutes. At the end of the 5 minutes visualize the bubble with the unpleasant event from the past starting to rise into the sky. It slowly and gently floats up higher and higher. Once it is so high up that you can barely see it, visualize that it is so full of love from all of the love energy that was sent to it that it bursts into a million pieces of bright pink light. The unpleasant event is no more. It has left you. Notice how much lighter your heart and entire being feels. The Pink Bubble Of Love Method(For Reiki and Non Reiki Healer)First, relax your mind and take three deep breaths. Focus on your breath for a few minutes.After you are in a deeply relaxed state think of a situation, emotion, or person that has hurt you in the past. (Draw the Distance and Emotional healing symbol if you are a reiki channel).Acknowledge what is coming and just let it sit in front of you for about 30 seconds and just let it be. Thank this presence for the growth it brought to your life no matter how painful it may be. Then, immediately visualize a large, radiant, pink bubble of love energy surrounding it. To be able to better connect with the healing power of love, think of the ocean of love. Allow this loving energy to wrap around the bubble of the unpleasant event from your past. Visualize the loving ....
Here is a much older method of flower healing, perhaps closest to true earth power, working with the flowers themselves, still growing in the earth or in pots. In this way they are still themselves alive and full of the life force flowing into them straight from the earth, the air and the sun, rain and subterranean water beneath the roots.In most of the temples the priest sprinkles water in which flowers. Here we can use Reiki energy with flowers for healing. Choose The Right Flower You are attracted to a particular flower because its energy pattern or unique blueprint (that we all have) will put back into harmony with the energy vibrations within us that are out of sync. This dis-ease within us may be manifest as a physical symptom or negative feeling. Flower power is a gift from Mother Earth and works if we allow ourselves to relax and instinctively choose a specific flower within a particular clump or flower bed without consciously making the selection. We can be partly guided to certain kinds of flower by the colour. Each colour carries within it healing powers that relate to aspects of the body and mind and is particularly easily released by the living flower.You may find it helpful to plant different colored flowers in pots on a balcony or sheltered area of your garden, so that if you do not have time to search for a specific flower or if you have a recurring problem, you always have access to a flower that will help. The more you use these personal flowers, as long as you care for them, the more effective they become and while they die you can plant the bulbs or seed of the next generation of healers.If you are uncertain which flower you need at any time, hold your crystal or stone pendulum over several different kinds and colors and where it tugs downwards is the one that best will offer healing. Work in sunlight if possible or moonlight for flowers of the night such as jasmine or night stocks.Healing With The Flowers After choosing the specific flower, Give that plant reiki energy and request them for healing too. Ask permission from the plant, and pluck it with gratitude.Keep the flower in your hand, Draw Tibetan DKM and blow into the flower. After that, draw the USUI Reiki master symbol and all the other symbols with you are attuned.Now say the affirmation this flower radiates powerful healing energy to the universe.Now move this flower in the auric field of the person in all chakras with the intention that it will transmute all the negative energy into the positive one. After that bury that flower into the mother earth. Thanks to Reiki, Flower and Mother Earth.You can also give this flower to the person who needs healing and tell them to keep this for a few hours and then buried in the earth with respect.You can also keep this flower in a bowl of water charged with reiki too, and sprinkle it on the needy one. Here is a much older method of flower healing, perhaps closest to true earth power, working with the flowers themselves, still growing in the earth or in pots. In this way they are still themselves alive and full of the life force flowing into them straight from the earth, the air and the sun, rain and subterranean water beneath the roots.In most of the temples the priest sprinkles water in which flowers. Here we can use Reiki energy with flowers for healing. Choose The Right Flower You are attracted to a particular flower because its energy pattern or unique blueprint (that we all have) will put back into harmony with the energy vibrations within us that are out of sync. This dis-ease within us may be manifest as a physical symptom or negative feeling. Flower power is a gift from Mother Earth and works if we allow ourselves to relax ....
While searching ancient roots of Reiki I came across the Body and hand Nyasa technique that Hindus used to establish the mantra energy to different organs of the body parts. It's really very powerful. By infusing Reiki and making power symbol we can make a powerful shield around us. Here is a secret of Om nyas to achieve success in every field for u, sharing this from the rare book Laxmi Tantram, hope it will help u all. Remember mantra increases the pran energy.Body Nyasa by om to achieve knowledge, energy, power, strength, fame, and TejasFirst, invoke Reiki and make power symbols on both palms,Chant the below mantra while touching different body parts and make power symbol there and say it three times.Om Aang Gyanay Namah (touch the navel)Om iim shaktye namah(touch the arms)Om uum balay namah(touch the back)Om lrim viryay namah(touch the thigh)Om aim aishwaryay namah(touch the knee)Om Aum tezse namah(touch the leg) While searching ancient roots of Reiki I came across the Body and hand Nyasa technique that Hindus used to establish the mantra energy to different organs of the body parts. It's really very powerful. By infusing Reiki and making power symbol we can make a powerful shield around us. Here is a secret of Om nyas to achieve success in every field for u, sharing this from the rare book Laxmi Tantram, hope it will help u all. Remember mantra increases the pran energy.Body Nyasa by om to achieve knowledge, energy, power, strength, fame, and TejasFirst, invoke Reiki and make power symbols on both palms,Chant the below mantra while touching different body parts and make power symbol there and say it three times.Om Aang Gyanay Namah (touch the navel)Om iim shaktye namah(touch the arms)Om uum balay namah(touch the back)Om lrim viryay namah(touch the thigh)Om aim aishwaryay namah(touch the knee)Om Aum ....
SHAMANIC MEDITATION TO EXPLORE THE FOURTH SPHERE OF CONSCIOUSNESSThe fourth sphere of consciousness is that from the water beings. This consciousness can be enhanced by producing the sound of a fish. When you make the sound of a fish, wow, wow, wow, wow, as if you make air bubbles, and you keep this going for about five to ten minutes, then you can feel a change in your brain. You feel that you have fins with which you can swim, and that you are connected with the fishes and other water animals in a telepathic manner.When you make the undulating sound more and more 'round', then you can see the sound emerge as a little sphere of oxygen. Then the sound becomes a living, independent unity.Don't only feel the fish-being, but also perceive the plankton and the one-cell organisms in a spherical way. These organisms do not have eyes, but they perceive everything around them. In this manner you can make the entire surface of your body sensitive, in a prickly way.You can also connect with cells, which consists of a nucleus surrounded by a mass. You have to feel the center, and you can penetrate that. It is about going into the infinitely small, and then from there outwards again. In this way you can perceive your own cells, and influence them in a positive way. When you are able to do that for yourself, then you can do that for someone else.Infinite love infinite wisdom SHAMANIC MEDITATION TO EXPLORE THE FOURTH SPHERE OF CONSCIOUSNESSThe fourth sphere of consciousness is that from the water beings. This consciousness can be enhanced by producing the sound of a fish. When you make the sound of a fish, wow, wow, wow, wow, as if you make air bubbles, and you keep this going for about five to ten minutes, then you can feel a change in your brain. You feel that you have fins with which you can swim, and that you are connected with the fishes and other water animals in a telepathic manner.When you make the undulating sound more and more 'round', then you can see the sound emerge as a little sphere of oxygen. Then the sound becomes a living, independent unity.Don't only feel the fish-being, but also perceive the plankton and the one-cell organisms in a spherical way. These organisms do not have eyes, but ....
CHAKRA AND OUR BEHAVIOUR Today I am writing a simple technique that will help u to know which chakra needs to be healed and need to raise its vibration. In last paragraph, I have posted a simple technique to raise the vibration of our chakra."When we receive very good or very bad news our cardiac part is shaken, and in some cases cardiac attacks can happen. Haven't we heard people say "my heart feels happy" or "my heart is suffering"? This means that we are exchanging vibrations through our Heart Chakra. Doesn't our body feel bad, don't we feel pain in the pit of our stomach when we are in a heavy atmosphere or in the presence of a negative or inharmonious person? In these cases we are exchanging vibrations through our umbilical or navel Chakra. When we emit a thought or idea we are exchanging vibrations through our crown Chakra."When we feel we are lost,no interest in anything we are getting this vibration from root chakra.RAISE UR CHAKRA VIBRATIONThink of a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest and best. Next, think of each chakra needing to be at the same number on that scale.Now make power symbol then distant healing symbol, then mental healing symbol,Affirms my this chakra is vibrating at this number,(the number u have thought),and I am feeling balanced, grounded.then seal it by a power symbol.Once each individual chakra is at the same number your entire physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body raises into its own new vibrational level to match that of the chakras. The more chakra energy work you do the higher your whole body will be raised on this scale with ten being enlightenment while still in this physical human form.Try this technique and give me feedback, with love. CHAKRA AND OUR BEHAVIOUR Today I am writing a simple technique that will help u to know which chakra needs to be healed and need to raise its vibration. In last paragraph, I have posted a simple technique to raise the vibration of our chakra."When we receive very good or very bad news our cardiac part is shaken, and in some cases cardiac attacks can happen. Haven't we heard people say "my heart feels happy" or "my heart is suffering"? This means that we are exchanging vibrations through our Heart Chakra. Doesn't our body feel bad, don't we feel pain in the pit of our stomach when we are in a heavy atmosphere or in the presence of a negative or inharmonious person? In these cases we are exchanging vibrations through our umbilical or navel Chakra. When we emit a thought or idea we are exchanging vibrations through our crown ....
What is the origin of disease? The alternative community has long held the belief that disease, that is, the physical symptoms we observe, are the result of disharmonies in the energetic body of the person. These disharmonies originate in emotional upheavals, like traumas, fears, shock, or other emotional events that made a deep impact on a person's psyche. If the emotional 'blockage' gets resolved by therapy, then the disease will disappear. We have heard a lot of anecdotal stories, but is there a science behind it?VivekI recently stumbled on information from a German doctor who discovered just that. He studied it in detail, with physical proof, and he was able to cure 90% of his cancer patients without medicines! This would put the pharmaceutical industry out of business, so it is of no surprise that he got pursued relentlessly. His lost his license and got put in jail. Even his followers/practitioners are being put out of business.His name is Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German born medical doctor who studied the origin and development of disease in the 1960's to 1980's. In short summary: he found that a serious emotional event causes a conflict situation in the psyche. The psyche tries to resolve it, but when a person just continues with his life, then this conflict turns into an isolated energetic program that is running in the background trying to continuously solve the program. The physical body always follows the energetic or emotional body. The first thing that happens on the physical level is a miniscule brain lesion somewhere in the brain. CT scans show concentric rings around this lesion. At the same time, the organs corresponding to the location in the brain, start to develop the disease. How severe a disease becomes may depend on other psychological, energetic and nutritional factors but its nature and location are determined by the content of the conflict shock. Where Hamer seriously deviates from orthodox medicine, is that he says that what we call disease is not a disease at all. It is part of a biological program that is trying to resolve the underlying emotional conflict. Depending on the layer of the brain that is affected, the corresponding organ will develop one of three symptoms: canceration (ongoing cell division), ulceration or necrosis (tissue loss) or hypofunction (loss of a function of an organ). When the underlying conflict is never addressed, the body continues this program, depleting the body of its energy, destroying the bodily organs. When the emotional conflict is brought to the surface and worked out, a second healing process activates. What was canceration becomes ulceration, What was ulceration becomes canceration, and hypofunction revert to normal function. It might sound strange that cancers becomes ulcers and ulcers cancer in what is actually a healing phase. But they will disappear. The process, however, must be carefully observed by a competent doctor. Hamer worked with about 6000 patients of which 90% were cured.Of course, orthodox doctors don't know anything about the effects of emotional traumas, and are horrified by the idea about not cutting, slicing, radiating and pouring chemicals into the body. Orthodox medicine has many good things to offer, but isn't it time to look at what really works? Will post on next article research of Dr. Hamer and how emotional imbalance cause different type of cancer. What is the origin of disease? The alternative community has long held the belief that disease, that is, the physical symptoms we observe, are the result of disharmonies in the energetic body of the person. These disharmonies originate in emotional upheavals, like traumas, fears, shock, or other emotional events that made a deep impact on a person's psyche. If the emotional 'blockage' gets resolved by therapy, then the disease will disappear. We have heard a lot of anecdotal stories, but is there a science behind it?VivekI recently stumbled on information from a German doctor who discovered just that. He studied it in detail, with physical proof, and he was able to cure 90% of his cancer patients without medicines! This would put the pharmaceutical industry out of business, so it is of no surprise that he got pursued relentlessly. His lost his license and got put in jail. Even his ....
In ancient Vedant philosophy our Rishi has done a great research on Pran energy. And it reveals a great secret about how it works and where it comes from. Here i am mentioning a brief discussion of Prashnopnishad ,where student ask his query about pran from the teacher Piplaad . I will post here detail on next question and answers.VivekKausalya, the son of Asvala, asked Pippalada: Sir, from where does this Prana born? How does it come into this body? Piplaad Rishi-aatmana eshha praano jaayate | yathaishhaa purushhe chhaayaitasminnetadaatatam manokritenaayaatyasmijnshariire ||3|| This Prana comes from the Self, Atman. Just as a shadow is cast by the body of a person, so this Prana is, inherent in the Self, Atman and it enters the body by the activities of the mind.When a physical body of a person casts its shadow, the shadow does not exist independent of the body as shadow is inherent in the body. The shadow is projected by the substance, so is the whole universe is a projection of the Self. The shadow has no intrinsic existence; it enjoys only a projected existence. A shadow is elusive for it can never be caught. It escapes the grasp of man for it is intangible indicating that the Self or spirit is present in the universe only in an intangible manner. Intangibility which resides in all the objects is the shadow cast by the Self and like shadow it remains beyond the grasp of man. That is the nature of Prana. Prana is projected from the Self, Atman. Prana is perceived to exist because of Atman which is its substratum. As there can be no shadow without substance so also is Prana and it cannot be independent. Prana is entirely dependent on the Self and in that sense it is unreal. It appears to be real because it rests on the reality, the Self. How did Prana enter the body? It enters the body through the activities of the mind; that is to say through action arising from volition, desire etc., which constitutes the mind. The very existence of Prana in the body is dependent upon the movement of the mind. The senses are vitalized by Prana and in turn, Prana is impelled by the activities of the mind. A man’s present life is the result of his thoughts in a previous existence. This body is fashioned by our own mind - by our volition, our desires, our decisions and resolutions during our previous life. According to the Upanishad the mind creates the body, that is to say that you are the architect of your own future life; as you think so you become. Our desires bring us back to this world again and again. Thus this text makes a reference to the doctrine of rebirth which is a very important concept in Vedanta. Even under the Yoga system Prana follows Thought according to which the movement of Prana can be controlled by thought. It is possible to focus the attention of Prana on any centre of the body by clearly defined thought process. U can easily understood this how Reiki works by just intention of mind. Lots to reveal.Wait for the next.Infinite love ,infinite wisdom. In ancient Vedant philosophy our Rishi has done a great research on Pran energy. And it reveals a great secret about how it works and where it comes from. Here i am mentioning a brief discussion of Prashnopnishad ,where student ask his query about pran from the teacher Piplaad . I will post here detail on next question and answers.VivekKausalya, the son of Asvala, asked Pippalada: Sir, from where does this Prana born? How does it come into this body? Piplaad Rishi-aatmana eshha praano jaayate | yathaishhaa purushhe chhaayaitasminnetadaatatam manokritenaayaatyasmijnshariire ||3|| This Prana comes from the Self, Atman. Just as a shadow is cast by the body of a person, so this Prana is, inherent in the Self, Atman and it enters the body by the activities of the mind.When a physical body of a person casts its shadow, the shadow does not exist independent of the body as shadow ....
In Healing Insights